Journaling to Happiness: Benefits of Writing Journals
Stress Relief

Journaling to Happiness: Benefits of Writing Journals

8 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Spare 15 minutes a day for mindful scribbling to celebrate I Love to Write Day on 15 November every year. In addition to improving language skills, journaling is a powerful tool to ease our distress. This exercise inspires self-discovery that helps achieve inner clarity. For some, journaling is a life-changing experience.


Journaling is more than simply keeping a record of what you do each day through a blank notebook. Here are some creative ways to avoid keeping a boring journal.

  1. Journal your way into happiness by jotting down what you’re thankful for each day before bedtime. Gratitude, scientifically proven, can effectively increase happiness and reduce depression.
  2. You have the liberty to write anything you want in a morning journal. Don’t think too much, just let the words flow. But the golden rule is “do it before everything else.” Before your breakfast, shower or checking your mobile phone.
  3. Write about the dishes you taste every day, regardless which you love or hate; a good choice for health-conscious people.
  4. Simply write a short line or paragraph to conclude your day, a minimalist in the realm of diary. No excuses even for the least motivated writer.
  1. Journaling can boost memory and comprehension, which may reflect improved cognitive processing.
  2. Journaling is a proven stress management tool. The process effectively clarifies one’s thoughts and feelings and facilitates problem solving.
  3. Writing about feelings assists our brains regulate emotions, psychologists have found. Putting feelings down on paper overcomes emotional upsets and gives you a greater sense of happiness.
  4. A study shows that daily journaling over the course of a four-month period is enough to lower blood pressure and improve liver functionality. Writing makes us less likely to get sick.
  1. Pick a time of day and stick with it every day.
  2. Create a distraction-free space to start journaling.
  3. Write on something special to you; be it a Japanese style retro journal, or  your primary school exercise book.
  4. Keep your journal private. Write for your eyes only and do not worry about grammar.

If you haven't started yet, make today the first day of your daily journaling habit!


  1. Write Your Way to Better Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
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  6. Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing | Advances in Psychiatric Treatment
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