Cigna Civil Servants Medical Insurance Scheme

Cigna presents three featured medical insurance plans with different room levels (Ward, Semi-private Room and Private Room) and deductible options for civil servants and non-civil servants employed by the Hong Kong Government and their family members. These medical plans offer more options for civil servants and cater to your various needs, providing peace of mind along your and your family members’ different life stages.
Exclusive discounts are available for you and your family. Contact us now to learn more about the medical insurance plans and offers.
Application & Enquiry Hotline: 8107 0799

Elite 360
- Comprehensive worldwide medical insurance coverage
- Covers customers every stage of their health journey – from prevention, diagnosis, treatment, to recovery
- For semi-private rooms and standard private rooms, annual limits of HK$30 million and HK$50 million of Basic Policy Benefits and Optional Outpatient Benefits are offered respectively
- Flexible options to suit your needs (area of coverage, accommodation room type and annual deductible options)
- Optional benefits (Outpatient, Pharmacy1, Dental benefits)
- Elevated Cashless Medical Services (Advanced diagnostic imaging test at network diagnostic imaging centres, day case procedure at network day case centres, and Hospitalization at any Hong Kong private hospitals)

Cigna HealthFirst Choice Medical Plan
- Cashless Medical Service
- Comprehensive medical protection, which covers pre-admission and post-hospitalization treatment, cancer treatment, dialysis and more
- Health reward of up to 15% premium discount at renewal for no claim record
- An array of optional benefits to suit your needs (Supplementary Major Medical, Outpatient, Dental)
- Free annual health check-ups

Cigna VHIS Series
- Tax deduction
- Up to HK$30M Annual Benefit Limit2
- Provide different room levels from Ward or Semi-private Room
- Covering unknown pre-existing conditions
- Covering various cancer treatments
- Guaranteed renewal up to age of 100, with unlimited Lifetime Benefit Limit
- Five deductible options2
Download Brochure
Remark on product features:
- Lifetime limit of HK$500,000 applies to the Optional Pharmacy Benefits.
- Applies only to the Cigna VHIS Series – Flexi Plan (Superior).
This webpage contains terms and conditions of the promotion only and does not represent the full terms of the policy. For details of the features, contents, terms, conditions and exclusions of the Cigna products in this leaflet, please refer to the relevant product brochure(s) at and the policy provision(s).
Contact us and apply now!
Application & Enquiry Hotline:
8107 0799