Cigna VHIS Series

VHIS gives you comprehensive medical protection! With coverage up to HK$30,000,000 per year, the best value for money VHIS that meets your needs.
Your Wisest Choice of coverage

Plan Type, Policy Term and Premium Structure of Basic Plan
- This product is a standalone individual policy which aims to provide hospitalization benefits. It is an indemnity insurance policy without cash value.
- 1 year and annually renewable
- The plan provides a protection period of 1 year and guaranteed renewable up to Age 100 of Insured Person, with payment period until the end of protection period. Premium rate will increase with Age, and yearly adjustable.

Affordable VHIS
Extensive coverage at a daily premium as low as $9!
Not only our plan is tax deductible, its deductible options ranging from HK$0 to HK$75,000 enable your premium to deliver more bang for the buck!

Simple VHIS
The plan offers coverage of up to HK$30,000,000 with no lifetime limit, together with accommodation in a semi-private hospital room!
Medical expenses are fully covered, with no sub-limit for each benefit item.
No longer you’ll need to worry about future medical expenses as your policy is guaranteed for renewal up to age 100, giving you 100% lifetime assurance.

Predictable VHIS
To enjoy our speedy Cashless Medical Service, we recommend that you submit an application via MyCigna or call the Cigna Customer Service Hotline as soon as possible once you know your treatment date, so we have time to make the proper arrangements. Once the Customer Service Department has looked into your case, we will assign a dedicated Care Manager to help you follow up on hospital surgery or treatment arrangements until your recovery. At the same time, we will provide emotional support to you and your family, allowing you to recover with comfort and peace of mind. Simply check this procedure to arrange pre-approval and obtain a Guarantee of Payment Letter.

The best value for money VHIS that meets your needs
Looking to avoid a long wait for treatment, but feeling nervous that your insurance coverage might not be enough for private hospital care?
Your wellbeing deserves no compromise. Choose a VHIS plan that protects you for every cent you spent on your premium without blowing your budget.
VHIS Certified Plans |
Flexi Plan (Superior): Semi-Private
Flexi Plan (Superior): WardNEW
Flexi Plan (SMM)
Standard Plan
Certification Number | F00016-(01-04)-000-04 F00016-05-000-03 | F00016-(06-08)-000-02 | F00012-01-000-03 | S00031-01-000-02 |
Ward Class | Semi-Private or lower A single or double occupancy room, with a shared bath or shower room in a Hospital | Standard Ward A room in a Hospital with more than double occupancy | SMM benefit limited to Standard Ward, otherwise no restriction | No restriction |
Promotion Offers for Successful Enrollment | HK$1,000 shopping voucher and 6 months premium discount within the first 3 years upon enrollments with your family member(Details) | HK$1,000 shopping voucher and 6 months premium discount within the first 3 years upon enrollments with your family member(Details) | 2 months premium discount within the first 2 years(Details) | |
Annual Benefit Limit | $30,000,000 | $5,000,000 | $1,000,000 | $420,000 |
Lifetime Benefit Limit | No Lifetime Benefit Limit | No Lifetime Benefit Limit | No Lifetime Benefit Limit | No Lifetime Benefit Limit |
Hospitalization benefits | No dollar limit | No dollar limit | Enhanced cover | Standard VHIS cover |
Surgical benefits | No dollar limit | No dollar limit | Enhanced cover | Standard VHIS cover |
Prescribed Diagnostic Imaging Tests | No dollar limit | No dollar limit | Enhanced cover | Standard VHIS cover |
Prescribed Non-surgical Cancer Treatments | No dollar limit | No dollar limit | Enhanced cover | Standard VHIS cover |
Psychiatric treatments | No dollar limit | No dollar limit | Enhanced cover | Standard VHIS cover |
Companion Bed | No dollar limit | No dollar limit | $450 per day Maximum 270 days per Policy Year | |
Accidental Emergency outpatient treatment | No dollar limit (Within 24 hours after the Accident) | No dollar limit (Within 24 hours after the Accident) | $6,600 per Policy Year (Within 24 hours after the Accident) | |
Accidental Emergency dental treatment | No dollar limit (Within 2 weeks after the Accident) | No dollar limit (Within 2 weeks after the Accident) | $6,600 per Policy Year (Within 2 weeks after the Accident) | |
Enhanced Benefit: Outpatient kidney dialysis | No dollar limit | No dollar limit | $30,000 per Policy Year | |
Enhanced Benefit: Home nursing for Confinement | $1000 per day Maximum 90 days per Policy Year | $800 per day Maximum 90 days per Policy Year | $700 per day Maximum 15 days per Policy Year | |
Annual Deductible options | $0 | $15,000 | $25,000 | $50,000| $75,000 | $0 | $15,000 | $25,000 | ||
Entry Age | 15 days to Age 80 | 15 days to Age 80 | 15 days to Age 80 | 15 days to Age 80 |
Premium payment frequency | Annual / Monthly | Annual / Monthly | Annual / Monthly | Annual / Monthly |
Policy currency | HKD | HKD | HKD | HKD |
This table represents a summary of the product features; please refer to the brochure and policy documents for the full Terms and Benefits. | Get a Quote | Get a Quote | Get a Quote | Get a Quote |

Premiums you pay for VHIS Certified Plans covering you and your dependants are eligible for tax deduction, based on the Government’s recent update to the Inland Revenue Ordinance. The maximum tax deduction is HK$8,000 per insured person per year, with no cap on the number of policies or dependants you claim a deduction for.

We will start paying for the covered medical expenses once the deductible amount has been reached. The deductible will be covered either by you or your other insurance plan(s).
Standard Plan
- basic hospital cover with government endorsement, clear pre-defined terms and conditions
- tax deduction on premium paid
- affordable prices
- no exclusions added even if her health circumstances change over time
Benefit item | HK$ |
Surgeon's fee | 12,000 |
Operating theatre charges | 3,000 |
Anaesthetist’s fee | 3,000 |
Total covered | 18,000 |
- No shortfall remains and Vanessa can rest assured with easy recovery without financial strain.
Flexi Plan (SMM)
Benefit item (HK$) | Sub total | In excess of item limit |
Room and board | 2,250 | - |
Miscellaneous charges | +14,000 | 50,000 |
Surgeon's fee | +35,000 | 70,000 |
Operating theatre charges | +8,750 | - |
Pre- and post-Confinement / Day Case Procedure outpatient care | +1,500 | - |
Supplementary Major Medical Benefit $ (50,000+70,000) x 90% | 108,000 | N/A |
Total claim payable | =169,500 | N/A |
Coinsurance borne by Issac out-of-pocket $(50,000+$70,000) x 10% | -12,000 | N/A |
Total premium paid for both policies $(5,277+5,277) | -10,554* | N/A |
First year Premium Discount Spouse Discount: each 10% off Online Discount: each 15% off $5,277 x 2 x 25% | +2,639 | N/A |
Tax benefit for both policies HK$(10,554 – 2,639) x 15% (Based on a 15% Standard Rate) | +1,187 | N/A |
Net benefit | 150,772 |
*Premium level is subject to change from time to time due to medical inflation.
Flexi Plan (Superior)
Deductible HK$25,000 for her own policy | HK$0 for her son’s policy.
HK$ | |
Hospitalization expenses incurred in Japan | 208,000 |
Deductible – covered by group plan | -25,000 |
Total claim payable (no itemised dollar limit) | =183,000 |
Total premium paid for both policies $(6,676+6,940+7,243) + $(8,998+8,992+8,986) | -47,835* |
First year Premium Discount Children Discount: Children 10% off $8,998 x 10% | +900 |
Tax benefit for both policies $(47,835 – 900) x 15% (Based on a 15% Standard Rate) | +7,040 |
Net benefit | =142,759 |
*Premium level is subject to change from time to time due to medical inflation.
- Standard policy terms and conditions, benefit coverage and amount
- No lifetime benefit limit
- Premium transparency
- Guaranteed renewal up to age 100
- Cover for unknown pre-existing conditions, congenital conditions, non-surgical cancer treatment, day-case procedures and advanced diagnostic imaging tests etc.
All Standard Plans offered by different insurers share the same core features with standard benefit amounts on the basic coverage.
Meanwhile, the coverage and benefit amounts of Flexi Plans are up to insurers' discretion, although they must be at least as comprehensive as what the Standard Plan offers.
Yes, you can. All Standard Plan coverage (except on psychiatric treatment) is worldwide. Flexi Plans must offer at least Standard Plan level coverage on a worldwide basis, while there can be restrictions on the enhanced coverage by region (e.g. Asia only). In other words, no matter if it is a Standard Plan or Flexi Plan you are holding, you can rest assured that any medical expenses incurred outside Hong Kong will be covered at least to the level of the Standard Plan.
Note that the Supplementary major medical benefit of Flexi Plan (SMM) is restricted to Hong Kong, while the "Full compensation" benefits of Flexi Plan (Superior) are restricted to Asia (including Australia and New Zealand). Refer to the brochure for more detailed explanation.
on our website
with your Independent Financial Advisor
or through our dedicated hotline at (852) 8100 2261
Yes, you can.
Policy migrations to Cigna's Certified Plans from any other Cigna products, or vice versa, are all regarded as applications for a new policy. That means that underwriting is required, and the coverage and premiums may be affected by any health conditions that may have developed since you started your original cover.
For policy migration among Certified Plans, re-underwriting is waived for benefit downgrade (e.g. from Flexi Plan to Standard Plan or increasing deductible option). In other cases, i.e. where you are applying to increase your coverage, re-underwriting is required.
If you are an existing Cigna policy holder and wish to consider your options with VHIS, please call our hotline on (852) 8100 2261.
Sure. Please click the links below or visit VHIS Office website to learn more.
CIGNA Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited (VHIS Provider Registration No. 00031)
Cigna VHIS Series – Standard Plan | S00031-01-000-02
Cigna VHIS Series – Flexi Plan (SMM) | F00012-01-000-03
Cigna VHIS Series – Flexi Plan (Superior) – Ward Level
- $0 Deductible | F00016-06-000-02
- $15,000 Deductible | F00016-07-000-02
- $25,000 Deductible | F00016-08-000-02
Cigna VHIS Series – Flexi Plan (Superior) – Semi-Private Level
- $0 Deductible | F00016-01-000-04
- $15,000 Deductible | F00016-02-000-04
- $25,000 Deductible | F00016-03-000-04
- $50,000 Deductible | F00016-04-000-04
- $75,000 Deductible | F00016-05-000-03
For Policies which successfully transferred from the designated Certified Plans of Chubb Life Insurance Hong Kong Limited (VHIS Provider Registration No. 00044) to the above Certified Plans on 1 January 2023, a policy endorsement that outlines the special terms and conditions relevant to the policy transfer shall be attached to and form part of the Policy. Please contact our hotline (852) 8100 1718 for details.
Your HKID no.
The ID (HKID or otherwise) of any family members you wish to cover Your basic contact information
The height, weight, and medical history details of you or any family members you wish to cover Your credit card information
Premiums paid into VHIS plans from 1 April 2019 will count towards tax deduction, so the first tax year affected will be the one ending 31 March 2020.
Soon after the end of each tax year following VHIS launch, we will provide you with a record of all eligible premiums paid (along with any premium refunds made) during that tax year. You can use this as reference when filing your tax return. Note that you can only claim tax deduction on VHIS premiums paid during the applicable tax year.
- Spouse discount* : An extra 10% discount on both you and your spouse’s policies for the first year
- Children’s discount* : An extra 10% discount on your children’s policies for the first year
* Discounts on Flexi Plan (Superior) is only applicable to the plans with deductible of HK$15,000, HK$25,000, HK$50,000 or HK$75,000.
- 10Life is a digital platform that provides professional and unbiased insurance information for consumers. Using factors that matter the most to the consumers, 10Life produces objective high-end medical insurance scores and rankings based on medical coverage and auxiliary benefits. Only medical insurance plans that have 10Life Overall Medical Score (includes Medical Coverage Score and Auxiliary Benefits Score) higher than 9, which also means both medical coverage and auxiliary benefits are higher than market average can be recognized with a 5-star rating. 10Life actuaries refer to the benefit limits on each expense category to calculate the estimated coverage amount (to be paid by the insurer) and out of pocket expenses (to be paid by the policyholder). The 10Life Medical Coverage Score (out of 10) is calculated according to the Estimated Average Coverage Ratio, so higher the score means higher the medical coverage for the insurance plan. For more, please refer to 10Life ratings.
- Applicable to Cigna VHIS Series- Flexi (Superior) only.
- Subject to the Annual Benefit Limit.
- Covers a number of non-surgical cancer treatments including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy and hormonal therapy etc. Proton therapy, gamma knife and cyber knife are radiation treatments that are also covered as radiotherapy.
- Refer to Important Information for details of Pre-existing Conditions.
With effect from 1 April 2023, the definition of "Hospital" in Part 8 "Definition" of your VHIS policy terms and conditions shall be refined to make clear that it shall include public hospitals as defined in the Hospital Authority Ordinance (Cap. 113 of the Laws of Hong Kong) and hospitals for which a licence is issued under the Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance (Cap. 633 of the Laws of Hong Kong), subject to other conditions of (b), (c) and (d) in the definition. The relevant Supplement will be sent to all policy holders concerned on or before the respective policy renewals from 1 April 2023.
For any queries, please contact us through our dedicated hotline at (852) 8100 1718
You may cancel your policy and obtain a refund of any premium(s) and levy paid by you within the cooling-off period. The cooling-off period is the period of 30 calendar days immediately following either the day of delivery of the policy or the cooling-off notice to you or your nominated representative (whichever is the earlier). The cooling-off notice is a notice that will be sent to you or your nominated representative by Cigna Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited to notify you of the cooling-off period around the time the policy is delivered. To exercise this right, a written notice of cancellation must be signed by you and received directly by Cigna Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited at 16/F, 348 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong within the cooling-off period. No refund can be made if a claim has been made.
After the cooling-off period, the Policy Holder can request cancellation of the policy by giving thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Company, provided that there has been no benefit payment under the policy during the relevant Policy Year.
To make a claim, please login to our customer portal or register at or download our MyCigna app. For details of procedures by claims type, please visit the Company website
Reasonable and Customary shall mean, in relation to a charge for Medical Service, such level which does not exceed the general range of charges being charged by the relevant service providers in the locality where the charge is incurred for similar treatment, services or supplies to individuals with similar conditions, e.g. of the same sex and similar Age, for a similar Disability, as reasonably determined by the Company in utmost good faith. The Reasonable and Customary charges shall not in any event exceed the actual charges incurred.
If you are requested but fail to disclose to us upon submission of the insurance application, including any updates of and changes to the required information, that the Insured Person is suffering from a Pre-existing Condition of which the Policy Holder or the Insured Person is aware or should have reasonably been aware of at the time of submission of Application, the Company has the right to declare the relevant insurance policy void, demand repayment of any benefits paid and/or refuse to provide coverage under its terms and benefits. In such event, the Company shall refund the premium.
- Premium Level
The premium corresponding to the plan you select is determined based on the Age and smoking habit of the Insured Person at the Policy Effective Date.
- Non-payment of Premium
If you fail to pay the initial premium, your Policy will not take effect from the commencement date of your Policy. Except for the initial premium payment, there will be a grace period of 30 days after any premium due date. Your Policy will remain effective during this grace period. If any premium is not paid at the end of the grace period, your Policy will lapse on the premium due date and you will lose the insurance cover.
We will not make any claim payment or any other payment payable under the Policy, until we receive payment of all outstanding premium up to the date of the claim payment or when the Policy terminates.
- Mis-statement of Age or Smoking Habit
If Age or smoking habit is mis-stated by you or any Insured Person (and the relevant Insured Person would still be eligible for coverage), we have the right to adjust the premiums payable based on the correct information.
- Premium adjustment
The Company reserves the right to revise the Standard Premium of the Policy on the anniversary date or upon renewal. Factors leading to premium adjustment may include but are not limited to our overall experience in claims and expenses incurred by and/or in relation to this product.
Each person can only be covered under one single “Cigna VHIS Series” policy. The series includes “Cigna VHIS Series – Standard Plan”, “Cigna VHIS Series – Flexi Plan(SMM)”, “Cigna VHIS Series – Flexi Plan (Superior)” and any other insurance policies that fall under the “Cigna VHIS Series” as defined and issued by the Company from time to time.
Existing holders of “Cigna HealthFirst Medical Plan Series” policies should contact the Company to discuss their options with regard to policy migration.
If you have an existing medical insurance policy and intend to switch the coverage to this plan, please be aware of the potential implications in terms of insurability, claims eligibility and financial values regarding the change to the insurance arrangement.
Some benefits under the existing policy may be changed or not be covered under this plan due to changes in policy features, Age, health conditions, occupation, lifestyle, habit or recreational activities. Also, riders or supplementary benefits under your existing insurance policy may not be available under this plan.
Benefits under the existing insurance policy will no longer be payable to you if you surrender the policy or allow it to lapse. Besides, you may need to start a new waiting period (if any) in respect of certain benefits under the terms and conditions of the new policy.
This Policy shall be effective for an initial period of twelve (12) months and is thereafter guaranteed to be automatically renewable for successive periods of twelve (12) months up to the Age of one hundred (100) years of the Insured Person. The Company shall have the right to revise the Terms and Benefits of the Policy and/or the Premium upon each renewal.
- The Policy will be automatically terminated when one of the following happens:
– The Insured Person passes away;
– Any premium is not paid at the end of the grace period;
– The Policy is terminated or not renewed by the Policy Holder; or
– The Company has ceased to have the requisite authorisation under the Insurance Ordinance to write or continue to write this Policy. - If there is any fraud, mis-statement or concealment in the application or declaration, or if you or your beneficiary makes a dishonest claim, we have the right to cancel the policy immediately. In such case, all the premium paid will not be returned and you shall immediately return all payment including claims paid by us under the Policy.
Your current planned benefit may not be sufficient to meet your future needs since the future cost of living may become higher than they are today due to inflation. Where the actual rate of inflation is higher than expected, you may receive less in real terms even if we meet all of our contractual obligations.
The following list is for reference only and it is not a full list of exclusions. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for the complete list and details of exclusions.
Cigna Healthcare shall not pay any benefits in relation to or arising from the following:
- Medical Services that are not Medically Necessary.
- Confinement solely for the purpose of diagnostic procedures or allied health services, including but not limited to physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (“HIV”) and its related Disability.
- Dependence, overdose or influence of drugs, alcohol, narcotics or similar drugs or agents, self-inflicted injuries or attempted suicide, illegal activity, or venereal and sexually transmitted disease or its sequelae.
- Services for beautification or cosmetic purposes, or correcting visual acuity or refractive errors that can be corrected by fitting of spectacles or contact lens.
- Prophylactic treatment or preventive care, including but not limited to general check-ups, routine tests, screening procedures for asymptomatic conditions, immunisation or health supplements.
- Dental treatment and oral and maxillofacial procedures performed by a dentist except for Emergency Treatment and surgery during Confinement arising from an Accident or to the extent covered by the Accidental Emergency dental treatment benefit. Follow up dental treatment or oral surgery after discharge from Hospital shall not be covered.
- Maternity conditions and its complications.
- Purchase of durable medical equipment or appliances.
- Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment.
- Experimental or unproven medical technology or procedure in accordance with the common standard, or not approved by the recognised authority, in the locality where the treatment, procedure, test or service is received.
- Congenital Condition(s) which have manifested or been diagnosed before the Insured Person attained the Age of eight (8) years.
- Eligible Expenses which have been reimbursed under any law, or other medical program or insurance policy.
- War, civil war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power.
“Cigna Healthcare”, “the Company”, “We”, “our” or “us” herein refers to Cigna Worldwide General Insurance Company Limited.