The Guide to Healthy & Low Calorie Festive Eating
General Health Tips

The Guide to Healthy & Low Calorie Festive Eating

5 Mins read

Whether you’re catering for guests with diabetes, high blood pressure or other health concerns this coming Chinese New Year, or you simply want to eat healthier; it is important to know that there’s no need to miss out on festive foods altogether.

As with many other things in life, there are always options.

Popular festive foods like radish, taro and sticky rice cakes are high in carbohydrates. Why not allow yourself a few pieces of these delicious goodies and simply stay off rice at the same time?  Three to four pieces of radish cake should generally replace one bowl of rice.

If you’re preparing radish or taro cakes at home, you can reduce the fat and salt content by opting for more mushrooms, dried shrimp and dried scallops, and less cured meat.

While pan-frying may be the traditional way of preparing spring rolls, crispy triangles, as well as radish and taro cakes, roasting or steaming can do the job just as well, only with a lot less oil involved, making them low-calorie snack options!


Instead of chocolate and other sweets, fill your candy box with nuts (e.g. pistachios) and dried fruit (e.g. raisins and apricot).

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  1. 明報健康網- 【智吃糕點】新年糕點宜蒸忌煎糖尿腎病患者淺嚐為上策
  2. 明報健康網-【營養要識】三高過年識食有口福避重就輕盆菜糕點照享

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