3 Best Ways to Grow Indoor Plants Without Soil
Life Hack

3 Best Ways to Grow Indoor Plants Without Soil

6 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Hydroponics refers to a method of growing plants without soil. Instead, hydroponic plants are grown in water containing mineral nutrient solutions. The root system is usually supported by an inert medium, for instance, perlite or gravel. Since it is easier for hydroponic plants to absorb nutrients than the same plants grown in soil, they have a much faster growth rate.


The most foolproof way to have your first success with growing hydroponic mushrooms is by using a mushroom growing kit. The kit is basically a block of sawdust saturated with inoculated mushroom seeds. All you need to do is to soak the sawdust block in cold and non-chlorinated water. Leave for a few hours. Place the block in a dark room with a temperature of 15 to 23 degrees Celsius. Wait for three to five days and your mushrooms are ready for harvest!

There are various mushroom grow kits that you can easily find in supermarkets or stores. Growing mushrooms at home has never been easier!

Another example of hydroponics is a bucket hydroponic system. Simply grab a five-gallon bucket and place some growing medium in it. That can be coco coir or perlite. The bucket hydroponic system is great for single large plants. Just water your plant as usual and watch it grow!

Another example is a bottle garden. Cut a soda bottle just below the curved area. Flip the top part upside down and place it in the bottom part. Add water, followed by a wick and coconut coir. Make sure the wick is sitting right in the middle of the coconut coir. Plant seeds of your choice. Basil or spinach is easy to grow for this hydroponic system.

These indoor vegetable garden ideas are easy to manage. Even kids can do it. In fact, they would make a great parent-child bonding activity!


  1. Fullbloom Hydroponics - Hydroponic Systems 101

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