Decluttering Tips for A Joyful New Year
Life Hack

Decluttering Tips for A Joyful New Year

7 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Chinese New Year is approaching. Nobody wants to start a new year with clutter and junk strung around their home. Before rolling up your sleeves for the annual house cleaning, why not take a look at the world-renowned KonMari method for some home organization tips?

The KonMari method, detailed in Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” is all about experiencing - you guessed it - the life-changing magic that comes from tidying. The method is primarily about disposing of items that do not spark joy and organizing the remaining ones. Eventually, you will find a clutter-free home, full of things that bring joy to your life.

The KonMari method asks to have the following five categories of items to be tackled in this specific order: clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items.  Every time you work on one category, gather the items from all sections of your home (e.g. books from the study and from the living room bookshelf, Chinese New Year decorations in the cabinets).  Pick up each item and consider if it “sparks joy.” If the answer is yes, keep it. Otherwise, throw it away; then organize what’s remaining.

When tidying the fridge and the freezer, apply the same principle: Empty, Clean, “Joy Check”, and Organize. Try to keep your fridge 30% empty so you can actually see what’s in it.  Avoid putting things on the counters or near the sink or stovetop. Forget about saving the “nice plates” for guests -- do a “Joy Check” and start using the plates that you love every day!

The KonMari method should give you a glimpse into the joy of owning less and being organized.  There are numerous downloadable checklists that can get you started.  Give it a go and, who knows, maybe by this time next year, you won’t find house cleaning such a chore after all!   


  1. Good Housekeeping - What Is the KonMari Method? Here's How to Declutter the Marie Kondo Way
  2. The spruce - What Is the KonMari Method?
  3. LT -  How To Tidy Your Fridge And Freezer According To The Konmari Method
  4. CNN health - Marie Kondo's tips for organizing your kitchen

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