The Spring Cleaning Workout
Home Workout

The Spring Cleaning Workout

4 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Looking forward to spring cleaning this Lunar New Year? Probably not, right? After all, who wants to usher in the holiday with hours of vacuuming, sweeping and mopping? But if you're having trouble motivating yourself to give your house the sprucing up you know it needs, here's that extra incentive you've been looking for — doing chores doesn't just make your home spick-and-span for visitors, but also burns loads of calories! So whether losing weight and getting fit is your Lunar New Year resolution, a vigorous spring cleaning routine can help you reach your goals.


15 minutes of sweeping can burn 39 calories and mopping the floor for the same duration burns 43 calories. Even doing the dishes and clearing the table can burn as many as 48 calories in half an hour! Physicians recommend adults to participate in moderate to high-intensity physical activity for at least 30 minutes, thrice a week. Setting aside half an hour each day to hit the treadmill may be impossible with a busy schedule, but if you can find the time to iron, cook, reorganize your storeroom or even just water your plants, that all counts towards your daily quota of physical activity.

Embrace the age-old tradition of spring cleaning this Lunar New Year. You won't just be proudly showing off your new home décor or sparkling new furniture to your friends and relatives, but can flaunt your new, slimmer and more toned physique as well.

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