Why Plastic Straws Are Bad For The Planet & Your Health?
Life Hack

Why Plastic Straws Are Bad For The Planet & Your Health?

9 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Now there are even more reasons to support the no-straw campaign—plastic straws are not just bad for the environment, they can be bad for your health.

Most plastic straws are made from polypropylene, a type of plastic manufactured from petroleum. A study carried in Canada shows that chemical substances from polypropylene could leach into liquids especially when exposed to heat and acidic beverages, releasing chemicals that could affect your estrogen levels.

Disadvantages of plastic straws are aplenty, from the growing landfill problem, to the deaths of marine life which have swallowed plastics found in the sea debris. These non-biodegradable straws break into microplastic consumed by fishes and shellfish on our dinner plates. Whether microplastics ingested by fish affect humans is unknown, some scientists are concerned that these could further expose us to harmful chemicals that are already found in some plastics.

Besides the risk of chemical leaching, frequent use of plastic straws could also lead to an array of health problems, including:

  • Bloating
    You could introduce air into your digestive tract by sipping from a straw.

  • Cavities
    Consumption of sugary and acidic beverages through a straw sends a concentrated stream of liquid towards a smaller area of the teeth, causing enamel erosion and tooth decay. Drinking through a straw could also lead to excessive intake of these unhealthy beverages.

  • Wrinkles
    You could develop 'pucker lines' around their mouths from regular use of straws.

A simple step to reduce the use of plastic straws is to not use it all, or by having your own reusable, biodegradable straw. There are many types of reusable drinking straws, such as those made from stainless steel, glass and silicone. Most reusable straws come with storage cases and cleaning brushes, and those that are made from silicone are collapsible for easy portability.

You can shop for these environmental-friendly straws from eco-concept stores like Live Zero, Slowood, Edgar and Seed in Hong Kong. While you are there, shop for other items such as reusable food storage containers and wraps to cut down on single-use plastic. Alternatively, play your part by supporting eco-friendly eateries that have switched to biodegradable, environmentally friendly straws.

It takes effort to build new habits, start by bringing your own straw to reduce single-use plastic waste.


  1. Best Health Mag - Health Reasons Why Plastic Straws Are Actually The Worst
  2. Sassy Hong Kong - Where to Buy Plastic-Free Essentials In Hong Kong
  3. One Green Planet - You Are What You Eat With: Why Saying Yes to Plastic Straws is a Big NO for the Planet
  4. Washington Post - Microplastics are in our food and water. How that affects our health.
  5. National Geographic - We Know Plastic Is Harming Marine Life. What About Us?

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