Global Fitness Trends
New Sports Trend

Global Fitness Trends

10 Mins read
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What are the new alternative trends to aerobics and running in global fitness? There are different types of workouts that bring you the benefits of exercising and what’s more, they are fun!

Batuka® (Spain)

Batuka® is the latest popular dance-based workout to emerge from Spanish shores.

What is it?

  • Similar to Zumba, the Latin-inspired dance-fitness class
  • Contains five elements: dance, force, fight, Zen, and nourish
  • Workouts with Latin-influenced music

Some similar alternatives:

  • Zumba, street dance, or any aerobic dance workout


Piloxing® (Sweden)

Piloxing®, combines Pilates and boxing, so you can get the best of both benefits and fun!

What is it?

  • Founded by a Swedish dancer

  • Combines the "sculpting of the body" with "strength of boxing"
  • Fusion Pilates classes, like piloxing, have been around for awhile. They combine elements of other exercises, e.g. Yogalates™ and Ballet Barre Pilates

Some similar alternatives:

  • A high-energy Pilates fusion class such as dynamic Pilates, or Body Balance® that combines Pilates with Tai Chi and yoga.



CrossFit® (United Arab Emirates (UAE)

CrossFit® is the latest workout that would get you fit for sure

What is it?

  • Increased in popularity since a Dubai resident took first place in the CrossFit Asian Games

  • There are many franchises across the globe
  • A strength and conditioning program based on functional movements such as stair climbing, lifting and sprinting
  • Weights, kettle bells and gym rings are also used

  • Each workout is planned to challenge the body in a different way

Some similar alternatives:

  • Circuit classes or programs that offer a full body workout.
  • These activities challenge both your cardiovascular fitness and strength. If you prefer working out alone, you could include some functional exercises in your routine like squats, lunges and overhead lifts.


Laughter Yoga (India)
What’s the best type of workout if you're feeling a bit down? Laughter Yoga!

  • Founded by a physician from Mumbai
  • Launched in 1995 and has since expanded across the world
  • Laughing is stimulated in a group with eye contact and play, which results in contagious and genuine laughter
  • The body can't distinguish between fake and real laughter, so you get the same benefits from both types

Some similar alternatives:

  • You don't need to be in an organized group to benefit from laughter. Laughing with a friend, a colleague, or even watching a funny video can also be beneficial for the body and mind.


AntiGravity Aerial Yoga® (UK)
AntiGravity Aerial Yoga® is designed to increase fitness, while realigning your body.
It involves performing poses using a specially designed hammock, mostly in upside down positions.

Potential benefits:

  • Stronger abdominal
  • Upper body strength
  • Mental relaxation
  • A release of pressure on tight joints

Some similar alternatives:

  • Many yoga classes involve an upside down element, particularly poses like the downward dog, the headstand and the shoulder stand. You could also see if there are any acrobatics or circus skills classes in your area as these have increased in popularity over recent years.

So whether it’s Piloxing, CrossFit, Batuka or simply a jog around the park, remember to aim for at least five times of 30-minute sessions per week. If you want to try any of the above, check out the huge range of fitness DVDs or videos available online to you.

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