How To Improve Parent-Child Bonding: Effective Communication
Leisure and Traveling

How To Improve Parent-Child Bonding: Effective Communication

7 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Recognising the importance of communication in family brings harmony to relationships, be they marriage, friendships or family. However, communicating with adults is one thing; communicating with children is entirely another.

Good communication, which effectively builds positive relationships with your child, involves both you and your child talking and listening to each other.

Here are some communication skills for kids and parents that might help parent-child bonding.

  1. Set aside time every day to talk and listen to each other. Dinner, for example, is a great time to talk about everyone’s day.
  2. Talk about everything and anything. Getting used to communicating heavily makes it less intimidating to talk about any major issues in future.
  3. Use age-appropriate words which match your child’s age and ability. Avoid complicated turn of phrase when talking to young children. (e.g. unhappy vs depressed; fear vs phobia etc.)
  1. Encourage your child to talk about their feelings and thoughts. Be prepared for all kinds of emotions, e.g. anger, fear, happiness and worries. In the process, your child can build up a “feelings vocabulary” and learn to express themselves better.
  2. Train your child to listen by being a role model. Talk and listen to your child (or anyone) respectfully, and your child will follow suit.
  3. Avoid cutting your child off or trying to interpret their feelings for them, even when they’re having trouble expressing themselves.
  4. Avoid assigning blame or criticizing.
  1. Let your child know you’re listening by maintaining eye contact and repeating back what they have just said to you.
  2. Show your interest. Respond positively and let your child know what they have to say matters to you. For example, respond by saying ‘Really!’ and ‘Go on.’
  3. Remember, you don’t always have to come up with a solution. Sometimes all your child needs is for you to listen to them.

Communicating effectively with your child helps build a positive relationship and strengthen your bond. Start talking and listening today, and see the difference it makes!


Raising Children Network (Australia) Limited  - Communicating well with children: tips

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