3 Things You Must Know Before Eating Hairy Crabs
Health Regimen

3 Things You Must Know Before Eating Hairy Crabs

5 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

It’s October, and that means hairy crab season! While all of us love a good hairy crab feast, it’s important not to lose sight of our health when indulging in this popular delicacy. Here are three common health concerns with hairy crab — and some suggestions on how to consume crabs safely!

  1. Parasite infestation. Parasites in hairy crabs can cause severe stomach discomfort or even take root in our digestive system. To avoid parasites, make sure you clean the shell, legs and claws thoroughly with a toothbrush and water, and remove the internal organs before consumption (ask the fishmonger for help if you aren’t familiar with this process).1 In addition, make sure that the crab is thoroughly cooked before you tuck in!

  2. High cholesterol. Like most crustaceans, hairy crabs are extremely high in cholesterol. Consuming just one hairy crab will take you pretty close to the World Health Organisation daily recommended cholesterol intake of 300 mg per day.1 It’s best to limit consumption to one or two crabs at a time. Those with heart diseases or already suffering from high cholesterol should try to avoid hairy crabs altogether.

  3. Bacterial spoilage. To minimize the risk of consuming crabs that have gone bad, it’s advisable to buy live crabs as crabs spoil quickly once they die. Keep an eye out for live crabs with intact, shiny shells and beady eyes.2 A sure sign of crab that’s gone bad is a foul, fishy smell.

As we tuck into our hairy crab feasts this October, let’s keep in mind the above food safety guidelines to ensure that we don’t overlook our health in our enthusiasm for seafood!


  1. https://www.cfs.gov.hk/english/whatsnew/whatsnew_sfst/whatsnew_sfst_2010_Seasonal_Food_Safety_Tips_Hairy_crabs.html. Viewed on 9 Oct 2018.

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