How Does Tooth Whitening Affect Dental Health?
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How Does Tooth Whitening Affect Dental Health?

7 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

From over-the-counter treatment, whitening toothpaste to a session at the dentist's office, teeth whitening is an easily accessible procedure to help you achieve that dazzling Hollywood smile.

Like any cosmetic procedure, teeth whitening carries potential dangers and side effects even though it is generally a safe procedure when performed by reputable medical practitioners. However, teeth whitening products that contain peroxide, a bleaching agent, could be harmful to gums and teeth. 

Peroxide could cause enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity as it exposes the pores of the enamel. As a result, your teeth will feel more sensitive to external agents such as acidic foods, as well as hot and cold foods after the treatment. 

Other common enamel erosion symptoms include:

  • rough or uneven edges on the teeth which can crack or chip
  • smooth, shiny surfaces on the teeth as a sign of mineral loss
  • cupping or dents that appear when you bite or chew

It is always a safer option to consult a dentist before patients undergo any course of teeth whitening. Dentists are likely to provide patients with sound advice on what is achievable with each teeth whitening product and procedure, as well as the possible dangers and side effects. For instance, patients must understand that whitening products do not work on tooth-colored fillings and crown caps.

Enamel erosion treatments by dentists typically cost more, but patients are better assured with the safety of the procedure. Notwithstanding, having regular dental-checkups is widely recommended for better oral health. A healthy diet also comes into play to prevent enamel erosion in order to maintain healthy gums and teeth.

Check out the healthcare tips for your teeth

Easy lifestyle habits to prevent enamel erosion:


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  1. WebMD - Tooth Enamel Erosion
  2. Benefits Bridge - The Pros and Cons of Teeth Whitening: Is It A Good Idea?

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