【Hiking & Outdoor】Hiking is Good for Your Mind And Body
Stress Relief

【Hiking & Outdoor】Hiking is Good for Your Mind And Body

10 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Living in a congested city like Hong Kong can take its toll on both the body and the mind. The constant hustle-bustle of city living, combined with increased levels of noise and light pollution, make it difficult to slow down and smell the roses. Fortunately, Hong Kongers have the benefit of proximity to some spectacular scenery, meaning a relaxing hike is never too far away!

There is no doubt that hiking is one of the best ways for exercise. No matter which hiking routes you pick, it would be a great way to work your whole body! Check out the physical benefits of hiking below:

Hiking contributes to healthy bones, muscles, and joints, which can thereby reduce joint burden and the risk of osteoporosis. You can also use a trekking pole and other hiking tools to reduce the pressure on your knees.

The up and down movements you do while hiking can effectively strengthen your thighs and calves, which helps to improve body balance and reduces the chance of falls or fall-related injuries.

According to the Hospital Authority, hiking is aerobic exercise which can effectively increase the blood flow to muscles and enhance cardiorespiratory fitness.


The physical benefits of hiking are well-documented and known, but less so its mental health benefits.

Research shows that regular aerobic exercise can actually reduce levels of stress by conditioning the body to the physiological changes associated with fear and anxiety such as sweating, a rapid heartbeat and an adrenaline rush.1

Exercise also releases endorphins, or “happy hormones” that promote feelings of well-being and relaxation. Scientists report that exercise can actually be as effective as antidepressants and psychotherapy in fighting depression.1

Hiking amplifies these mental health benefits of exercising by transplanting you to the lush greenery and birdsong of Mother Nature. A study by Stanford University found that nature experiences reduce our mind’s propensity to fret, worry and collapse into negative, self-focused thought patterns that are linked with anxiety and depression.3

Hiking is easy and family-friendly, and is probably the best workout for all ages. You can also choose the route and at an appropriate pace depending on abilities. Whether you are going with your siblings, friends, or even grandparents, hiking together can bring you guys much closer and help to build a healthier relationship.

While studies into the emotional and mental advantages of exercising in nature are still ongoing, researchers report that there is increasing evidence that outdoor sports like hiking has mood-enhancing, stress-relieving properties. The benefits of hiking are waiting for you, give it a try this weekend!


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  1. How simply moving benefits your mental health.
  2. The Journey to Change - Daring to Pursue a Greater Life
  3. Why Hiking Is the Perfect Mind-Body Workout

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