Finding Your Most Suitable Workout
For Yogis

Finding Your Most Suitable Workout

11 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

How can you stay healthy?

No matter it’s for looking good or building stamina – we all want to stay healthy both mentally and physically. That is why we stay active and work out. But don’t blindly follow all workout advice that you find - exercise according to your age. Which is the right exercise that suits your age group? Let’s see.


When You are in your 20s and Know Your Memes

You’re at the peak of your health. At this age, your activity level will decide the health in your later years. For example, women have a higher chance of osteoporosis in their later life. To increase your bone density, weight-bearing exercises such as jogging, walking, dancing, aerobics, and weightlifting are some of your good choices.

Aim for about five hours of weight-bearing exercise per week.

Even carrying shopping bags would count!1

When You Can Probably Tell What’s a Good Diaper Brand… 30s

Body shapes generally start changing in the thirties. Whether it’s a change in the hormones and lifestyle or the slowdown of metabolism, it’s important to lose a few pounds and increase the muscle tone at  this age.  Researches have shown that HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is the best for this group. In HIIT, you need to switch between high-intensity and low-intensity workouts. For example, slow cycling, followed by cycle sprinting (and repeating this pattern), can allow you to lose weight faster.2,3

The Importance Of Fertility

When you’re in your thirties, you need to care about your fertility as well. A number of studies have discovered a direct connection between obesity and infertility – in both men and women.

Men with sedentary jobs are at a higher risk of infertility.4

You need to exercise and eat healthy to shed the extra weight.


In The 40s and Settled

At this age, you might feel depressed. Moderate activity which provides an endorphin boost, will improve your mood . When you are tired and want to take a nap, going to a yoga session could make you feel better than a nap.

In Your 50s

It could be the time of menopause in women which can accompany uncomfortable symptoms, such as sleeplessness, hot flashes, and depression.  Staying active at this age with the help of moderate to light exercise is critical to relieve these symptoms - yoga and pilates are some excellent options.5

Testosterone levels in male decline by 1% around the age of 40, which leads to a loss in muscle mass and libido. Endurance exercise is a must in this age to prevent bone calcium loss.6

In The 60s and Above

Among this age group, staying active can help improve balance and reduce the risk of fractures. Make sure you are active enough to control your blood sugar, and reduce your risk in cardiovascular diseases. There is a connection between inactivity and Alzheimer’s and dementia -7 Flexibility exercises can reduce the chance of both illnesses at this age.


  1. visited 10 February 2013
  2. visited 9 February 2013
  3. visited 10 February 2013
  4. visited 11 February 2013
  5. Exercise and aging: Can you walk away from Father Time? Harvard Health Publications Harvard Medical School. December 2005. Visited 10 February 2013
  6. Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults. Chodzko-Zajko et al. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: July 2009 - Volume 41 - Issue 7 - pp 1510-1530
  7. Evidence for a midlife crisis in great apes consistent with the U-shape in human well-being", Weiss A et al.  Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The USA, 109:19949-19952.December 4 2012.

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