Find Your Workout Buddy
Workout Tips

Find Your Workout Buddy

5 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Working out with a group seems to be the trend in recent years. Studies have shown that people working out in a group tend to have a favorable impact on each other, leading to positive results. It is more so the case when people that you exercise with are fitter than you.1


Working out in a group setting provides a great source of motivation. Whether you have to wake up at 5am for a workout session or attend a class after a long day at work, the excitement of joining the others in the group keeps you looking forward to it. Seeing familiar faces in the group also instantly boosts your mood.2



Working out with others keeps you more committed to the routine. If you miss a session, other members of the group would likely ask about it next time they see you. Such “peer pressure” holds you accountable for showing up.


Exercising along with others means participants tend to put forth better effort as they strive to keep up with the others. Nobody wants to be the weakest. Such positive competitiveness inspires participants to push themselves harder or even experiment on new routines.

In this day and age where technology compromises the quality of human interaction, a workout group offers one more opportunity for us to meet new people and have face-to-face interaction. Whether it is for fitness or social reasons, wait no more. Sign up for a workout group and experience its benefits first-hand!



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