End HIV With Love
Critical Illness

End HIV With Love

6 Mins read

In 2015, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) set a target to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.1 Considering how HIV has turned from an acute fatal disease to a manageable chronic condition — thanks to treatment advances, the goal is certainly not impossible to achieve.

Sadly, not everyone that suffers from the disease has access to medicines, and sometimes it is not simply due to geographical reasons. Many who live with HIV isolate themselves because of the stigma associated with the disease.

In order to end the epidemic, we must reunite these socially-isolated individuals with humanity through love and care. Gaining a better understanding of HIV/AIDS is a great first step.


Despite our access to information nowadays, many misconceptions still exist surrounding HIV/AIDS.

HIV equals death

Thanks to advances in HIV treatment, HIV-positives can now lead lives and have life expectancy just like HIV negative people.2

Straight people do not get HIV

Just like any other sexually-transmitted diseases, HIV spreads among heterosexuals. The risk of contracting HIV increases with the number of sexual partners, regardless of sexual orientation.3

HIV is the same as AIDS

Contracting HIV does not necessarily lead to the development of AIDS. In fact, with proper treatment, HIV infection may never progress to AIDS.4

HIV-positives cannot have children

With proper viral load suppression, HIV-positives can have children too.5

Let’s fight HIV not just with medicines, but with love, compassion and understanding. Let us eradicate HIV by 2030.


  1. https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23731710-100-the-future-of-hiv/. Viewed on 20 Oct 2018.
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health/hiv-aids/misconceptions-about-hiv-aids#3. Viewed on 20 Oct 2018.
  3. https://www.bedsider.org/features/815-5-myths-about-getting-hiv-busted. Viewed on 20 Oct 2018.
  4. https://www.everydayhealth.com/hiv-aids/can-you-prevent-aids-when-you-have-hiv.aspx. Viewed on 20 Oct 2018.
  5. https://www.health24.com/Medical/HIV-AIDS/Overview/myths-about-hivaids-20180424. Viewed on 20 Oct 2018.

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