Breast Cancer – Men Aren’t Safe Either
For Men

Breast Cancer – Men Aren’t Safe Either

6 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Breast cancer is widely known as the most common form of cancer among women. However, very few people realize that men can contract breast cancer too. While breast cancer is much rarer among males, with less than one percent of all breast cancer cases developing in male patients1, it tends to be more deadly because lack of awareness makes early detection and diagnosis a problem.

What causes male breast cancer?

As with many forms of cancer, genes are a significant risk factor. In fact, doctors recommend that males diagnosed with breast cancer attend genetic testing, as defective genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 may be passed on to their children in as many as 50% of cases. Other risk factors include heavy alcohol consumption and obesity.2

Understanding male breast cancer


When a girl enters puberty, her ovaries produce increased levels of estrogen, causing breast ducts to grow and lobules to form at the end of ducts. While this process normally does not occur in men, men have breast tissue and breast ducts too, and it is in the breast ducts that breast cancer usually begins.

Most breast cancers — whether in male or female patients — are invasive ductal carcinomas. These carcinomas start in milk ducts and grow into the fatty tissue of the breast. Paget disease has also been observed in men. This type of breast cancer starts in the breast ducts and spreads to the nipple and areola, with symptoms including itching, oozing, burning or bleeding.

So if you notice anything unusual about your breasts, don’t let your gender lull you into a false sense of security. Get it checked out by a doctor — better safe than sorry!


  1. Viewed on 7 Oct 2018.
  2. . Viewed on 7 Oct 2018.

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