Are Headaches Giving You a Headache?
General Health Tips

Are Headaches Giving You a Headache?

9 Mins read

Occasion headaches are no cause for concern, but they can always make it difficult to get your work done, interact with others and even just get through the day. That’s why it’s important to understand the different types and causes of head pain, and how to avoid them.

Cluster headaches

A cluster headache gets its name from the wave-like nature of attacks. Sufferers can go for weeks without an incident, and then suffer waves of as many as six attacks over the course of a single day. The sharp pain can be debilitating as it often lasts for at least 20 minutes and has been known to persist for as long as two hours.1

Tension headaches

Tension headaches are caused by strain in the head, forehead and neck muscles, and are becoming more common as modern society gets increasingly addicted to smartphones, tablets and computers. They usually present initially as “band-like” pressure, beginning as a dull ache which builds steadily to a sharp, throbbing sensation that can persist for months.1


Migraines need to be subdivided into two categories — classical and common.2 Classical migraines are distinguished by symptoms that affect vision, usually consisting of dark or bright spots, light flares or tunnel vision. These symptoms are known as “aura”, and are swiftly followed by a dull, painful throbbing sensation on one side of the head. Common migraines do not involve aura, usually involve pain on both sides and sometimes the back of the head.

Causes of headaches

It’s vital to understand the underlying causes of chronic headaches, so that we can take steps to prevent them. The following are some common causes of tension, cluster and migraine headaches.3

  • Staring at electronic screens for too long, where blue light emitted by screens over-exerts the eyes.
  • Poor posture, leading to painful tension in the neck and trapezius muscles.
  • Excessive levels of anxiety and
  • In certain rare cases, frequent headaches can be a sign of a more serious illness such as brain cancer. If you find that your headaches are accompanied by other worrying symptoms, do consult a doctor.

Preventing headaches


If you want to keep painful headaches to the minimum, try one of these techniques.3

  • Drink at least two liters of water every day.
  • Moderate your consumption of food and beverages that are high in sugar and caffeine. The energy slump that follows a sugar or caffeine buzz is often accompanied by headaches.
  • Take regular vision breaks when staring at an electronic screen. Every half an hour, close your eyes or look at faraway objects for two to three minutes.
  • Begin the day with some neck and shoulder stretches to relieve tension in the muscles. Yoga sessions can also do wonders for headache-causing muscle strains.

Headaches should not be a fact of life. It’s time to stand up and do something about it, starting with the tips in this article!


  1. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Published September 2012.
  2. Migraine: A factsheet for patients and carers. Brain & Spine Foundation Online. Visited 10 June 2014.
  3. 10 surprising headache triggers. NHS Choices. Visited 10 June 2014.

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