Having a Healthy Diet
Food Myths

Having a Healthy Diet

5 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Having a healthy diet isn’t rocket science; you just need to know what kind of food to have in your regular diet. Food rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants and high in protein are what you should be eating.

Lemon water is rich in Vitamin C; it is the best natural energy booster. Here are some reasons to start your day with lemon water, it

  • Hydrates your muscles after a long night’s sleep
  • Removes toxins and rejuvenates cells
  • Regulates proper kidney and digestive tract functions

Antioxidants reduce aging effects and the risk of developing cancer. Top antioxidant foods to incorporate in your diet are

  • Prunes (for bones and eyes health)
  • Raspberries (cardiovascular health, weight loss)
  • Cloves (sexual health and anti-fungal)
  • Strawberries (eye, heart and skin health, blood sugar level)
  • Cranberries (cardiovascular, heart and digestive health)
  • Walnuts (cardiovascular health, anti-inflammatory, diabetes)
  • Blueberries (cardiovascular and eye health, diabetes)
  • Pinto beans (digestive health)
  • Blackberries (anti-inflammatory, oral health, immune system)
  • Red beans (bone and heart health, immune system)

Always eat breakfast and consume a high protein diet to help lower body fat. Protein and smart fat-rich foods (e.g. fish, seeds, nuts, and avocado) boost your metabolism, help you burn fat and keep lean muscles.

Drinking green tea helps to prevent liver damage caused by alcohol. While the short term benefit is a reduction in hangover, the long term benefit of regularly consuming green tea is having less tummy fat.

Start planning your daily eating routine, and take yourself to another higher level of healthiness!

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