Enjoy Your Vacation Away From Work
Life Hack

Enjoy Your Vacation Away From Work

6 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Taking a vacation as a break from work should be relaxing rather than stressful. Whether you are abroad or in town for vacation, here are a few tips that would help you to destress!


Staying at Hometown

At least you are still in your comfort zone. Set a to-do or to-go list to fully enjoy your vacation.

Things you can do:

  • Think like a tourist and plan to visit local sites that you don’t normally make time to go
  • Make the most out of being around during the day and sneak off to a movie
  • Take the time to cook something new
  • Have your pajama on for the whole day and don't feel guilty

Get Away Trip

  • Organize your packing list and to-do plan in advance
  • Do not leave till last minute and stress yourself out for not knowing what you need to bring for the trip. Think ahead and organize emergency medications for the trip and matching outfits for each activity

Here are a few productive pointers you might find useful:

  • Double check the travel details, such as terminals and departure times, and leave plenty of time to get to the airport or station
  • Eat a good breakfast and travel with water and some healthy snacks
  • If you're taking a road trip, check your personal essentials a couple of days before you leave, so you have plenty of time to do preparation

Take a Break from Work

Assign your current handling tasks to your colleagues

Also, given the fact that you should stay away from work and get yourself recharged, only schedule a short period of time to reply to urgent work messages.

Beat the Vacation Blue

To overcome vacation blue, plan to take an additional day off before getting back to work, and catch up with the work by checking your unread messages at the end of your holiday. This will speed up the process of getting back on track.

Another thing you can do to get over the blues is to continue doing the activities; e.g. swimming, or having similar food from the trip, during the transition period that will help cope you back to the reality.

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