Raising Your Kids with Pets
Stress Relief

Raising Your Kids with Pets

7 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

There's no doubt that having kids and pets coexisting in the same house can get a bit hectic. But after reading these benefits of having pets in children’s lives, you will definitely be more determined to make it work between your furry baby and your little human.

1. Companionship


Pets are always there for children, through good times and bad. They offer unconditional love, friendship and companionship at all hours of the day. Whether your children are feeling sad, scared or upset, they can always look for comfort from their pets.1

2. Staying active

While it is not exactly strenuous, taking care of pets, especially pet dogs, does motivate kids to exercise more. Whether it is the daily walk or just play time, kids with pets do tend to lead a more active lifestyle.2

3. Sense of responsibility


Pets require feeding, grooming, exercise and clean-up. Children can start learning about responsibility and compassion through caring for pets. Letting children accomplish these tasks can also build up their confidence.3

4. Boosting immune system

Contrary to popular belief, babies raised in a home with pets are less likely to fall ill. Exposure to pet dander as well as what pets carry into the home from outdoors could bolster babies’ immune systems and train them early to fend off allergens and bugs.4

5. Less Stress

Children with dogs at home were less likely to feel stressed. Dogs tend to follow human communicative cues, which could help in emotional development.5


  1. https://www.petcentric.com/articles/breeds/5-benefits-of-dogs-and-children-growing-up-together. Viewed on 21 July 2018.
  2. https://www.active.com/fitness/articles/are-dog-owners-healthier-people. Viewed on 21 July 2018.
  3. https://www.petassure.com/new-newsletters/caring-for-pets-teaches-children-responsibility. Viewed on 21 July 2018.
  4. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/little-shelter-animal-rescue-and-adoption-center/the-health-benefits-of-pe_b_4724369.html. Viewed on 21 July 2018.
  5. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/303276.php. Viewed on 21 July 2018.

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