5 Facts about Breastfeeding
Life Hack

5 Facts about Breastfeeding

7 Mins read
cigna-teamAuthorCigna Team

Breastfeeding is a celebration of one wonderful aspect of motherhood. In order to empower parents to opt for breastfeeding, promotion and support are paramount.

Making known the benefits and tips of breastfeeding is a great way of garnering support. Below are the 5 facts about breastfeeding.1

  1. Breastfeeding mothers with flu can actually provide their babies with antibodies that help them fight sickness. Just remember to practice strict hygiene.
  1. Breastfeeding helps develop the baby’s brain. This difference may be due to the physical intimacy, touch and eye contact associated with breastfeeding.
  1. Breastfeeding mothers are less prone to postpartum depression. It's known that breastfeeding causes hormonal changes, one of them is the increased amount of oxytocin produced, which have long-term anti-anxiety effects.
  1. Mothers often debate how long to breastfeed their children. While WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the baby’s first six months, breastfeeding for over a year is linked to lower risks of some diseases for the mother, including breast and ovarian cancer.
  1. Pumping between feedings can help mothers increase breast milk production. Try pumping whenever you have milk left over after a feeding, or your baby has missed a feeding.2

Back in 1981, only a mere 19% of Hong Kong mothers were breastfeeding their babies, partly due to the aggressive marketing efforts by formula manufacturers. Today, the breastfeeding rate in Hong Kong has risen to 87%. 3

Thanks to the dozens of restaurants and organizations that are now providing breastfeeding-friendly facilities, breastfeeding mothers can gain the support they have always needed to offer the best nutrition to their offspring.4

  1. Healthline - 11 Benefits of Breastfeeding for Both Mom and Baby
  2. Healthline - 5 Ways to Increase Breast Milk Production
  3. Healthy Matters - Why Do Hong Kong Women Stop Breastfeeding Early?
  4. SCMP - Hong Kong restaurants say 'yes' to breastfeeding mothers: new measures adopted to give privacy, gain acceptance

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